How to Install an Electric Fence?

Electric fences

Electric fences are widely used in livestock production to contain livestock and protect the site from wild animals. With this simple and efficient fence, entire pastures are protected. In the modern era of general industrialization, interest in electric fencing is also emerging in the field of private sector protection.

Electric fences: pros and cons

Electric fence is a fence made of alternating wires that carry current. Wires can be made of copper, aluminium, steel or other metal: the main condition is good electrical conductivity and a diameter of at least 1 mm. The current strength of the electric fence is designed only for a painful blow, which will force the animal or person to abandon plans to approach the fence.

Electric fence for animals An electric fence is the cheapest and easiest way to protect your animals and allow them to move freely around the site without leaving it. It also prevents other animals or intruders from entering private property.

Advantages of electric fence

  • Speed and ease of installation;
  • Low price;
  • Excellent light permeability;
  • Simple repair and easy maintenance;
  • Site safety;
  • Lightness of the material does not require the construction of a foundation for the fence.

Choosing an electric fence as a fence of a site, it is necessary to be accurately defined with the pursued purpose. If the main purpose is to keep the cattle in the area, the mains voltage should be strong enough to make the herd avoid the fence. Design and installation of an electric fence

Although the electric fence does not require any additional maintenance, it should be periodically checked and the voltage level monitored. If someone suffers from high voltage, the owner of the fence will be responsible for any damage caused by the electrical fence. Warning signs must be affixed to the fence from all sides.

During a thunderstorm, the electric fence must be disconnected and grounded. Though modern firms offer fences with guarantee protection against a lightning.

Installation of an electric fence

  • Voltmeter;
  • isolators for electric fences;
  • the Distributive block on solar batteries, the accumulator or from a network;
  • Wire and a grounding clip;
  • Rods of grounding; a hammer;
  • Wire for a fence;
  • Wires for a fence steel or wooden poles;
  • a twine; a shovel;
  • Corner brackets;
  • a jumper of calibre 10-14.

Planning and Preparation

  1. Determining the size and height of the fence. You also need to decide how many rows of wire you will need, what distance will be between the poles and make preliminary calculations.
  2. Purchase of corner brackets. At corners, an electric fence is attached to a corner bracket. More than six rows of wire will require double brackets.
  3. Wooden or steel racks. Steel columns are easy to install by simply driving into the ground. Wooden fence supports are not susceptible to corrosion and are durable, although they may settle in the soil over time.
  4. Choose an electric fence charger. If you choose mains power, the fence will not work when the power is off. A battery is needed to keep the fence in constant operation. A practical and functional solution will be solar panels if there is enough sunlight in the area.
  5. Wire for electric fence. Instead of wire and electrical wires, you can use a special tape, which is more visible and not as dangerous as the wiring.

Installing the electrical fence

Installing the distribution unit. The place for the distribution block must be protected against moisture and be in close proximity to the electrical outlet. Place it well under a canopy, in a garage, on a wall or a pole. Until the fence is installed, the charger must not be switched on. Mounting the grounding rods. Copper or steel rods are buried in the ground next to the power unit. Above ground level, at least 5 cm of the rod is left, the grounding post itself should be about two meters. The grounding conductor is connected to the distribution block and the rod using clamps. At a distance of 3-6 m, another rod is installed. Installation of support rods. The perimeter of the fence is marked with a rope and the poles can be installed. The optimum distance between the poles is 2 m and the immersion depth in the ground is approximately 1.2 m. Mounting of brackets on corners and gates. At corners, the tension from the stretched wire is the strongest, so the corner brackets are installed. For this purpose, a pillar is placed in the vertical fence post at an angle, which becomes a support for the main pillar. Distribution of insulators by the support posts. The type of insulators will depend on the selected wire. Follow the instructions that are normally provided with such products. Stretching the wires. Distribution of wires on poles. You should use special clips rather than wrapping the wires around the pole.